- Post-Doc Studies in Statistics, Purdue University, College of Science, West Lafayette, IN, July 2016-July 2017
- PhD. in Statistics, Yildiz Technical University, College of Art and Science, Istanbul, Turkey, Jan 2011-Jun 2015
- M.S. in Statistics, Purdue University, College of Science, West Lafayette, IN, Jan 2008-May 2010
- B.S. in Statistics, Hacettepe University, College of Science, Ankara, Turkey, Sep 2001-Jun 2006
Academic and Professional Experience:
- Assoc. Prof. of Statistics, Inter-Universities Council Presidency June 2023.
- Assistant Prof.: Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University Mar 2019-Cont.
- Research Assistant: Department of Statistics, Yildiz Technical University Sep 2010-Feb 2019
- Statistical Consultant: Statistical Consulting Service (SCS), Department of Statistics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Jun 2008-Dec 2009
Research Interests:
- Statistical Theory and Applications
- Linear Mixed Models
- Parallel Programming
- Robust Distributions
- Shrinkage Methods for Model/Variable Selection
- Machine Learning Methods
- Statistical Methods in Big Data Applications
- R Programming
- Reproducible Reporting
- STAT291 - Statistical Computing I
- STAT292 - Statistical Computing II
- STAT365 - Survey and Sampling
- STAT499 - Undergraduate Research
- STAT564 - Advanced Statistical Data Analysis
- STAT570 - Data Handling and Visualization
Selected Publications:
- Oltulu, O., & Gokalp Yavuz, F. (2023). Examining parallelization in kernel regression. Soft Computing, 1-11.
- Cakar, S., & Gokalp Yavuz, F. (2023). Nested and robust modeling techniques for fNIRS data with demographics and experiment related factors in n-back task. Neuroscience Research, 186, 59-72.
- Cakar, S., & Gokalp Yavuz, F. (2023). Hybrid statistical and machine learning modeling of cognitive neuroscience data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 1-22.
- Guney, Y., Arslan, O., & Gokalp Yavuz, F. (2022). Robust estimation in multivariate heteroscedastic regression models with autoregressive covariance structures using EM algorithm. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 191, 105026.
- Coskun, A., Sandberg, S., Unsal, I., Gokalp Yavuz, F., Cavusoglu, C., Serteser, M., ... & Aarsand, A. K. (2022). Personalized reference intervals–statistical approaches and considerations. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM), 60(4), 629-635.
- Gokalp Yavuz, F., & Schloerke, B. (2020). Parallel computing in linear mixed models. Computational Statistics, 35(3), 1273-1289.
- Gokalp Yavuz, F. & Arslan, O. (2019). Variable selection in elliptical linear mixed model. Journal Of Applied Statistics. DOI: 10.1080/02664763.2019.1702928.
- Gokalp Yavuz, F. & Arslan, O. (2018). Linear Mixed Model with Laplace Distribution (LLMM). Statistical Papers. Vol:59, 271-289. DOI:10.1007/s00362-016-0763-x.
- Gokalp Yavuz, F. & Ward, M.D. (2018). Fostering Undergraduate Data Science. The American Statistician. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2017.1407360.
- Ma, R. E., Ward E. J., Yeh, C., Snyder, S., Long, Z., Gokalp Yavuz, F. & Zauber, S. E. (2018). Thalamic GABA Levels and Occupational Manganese Neurotoxicity: Association with Exposure Levels and Brain MRI. Neurotoxicology. Vol:64, 30-42. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuro.2017.08.013.
- Yildiz, D., Gunes, Gokalp Yavuz, F., & Yildiz, D. (2018). Detecting Seasonal Cycle Shift on Streamflow over Turkey with Multivariate Statistical Methods. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. Vol:133, 1143-1161. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-017-2242-2.
- Ozkan N.F. & Gokalp Yavuz, F. (2015). Effects of Dexterity Level and Hand Anthropometric Dimensions on Smartphone Users' Satisfaction. Mobile Information Systems. DOI: 10.1155/2015/649374.
- Gokalp F. (2012) Analyses of Two Different Regression Models and Bootstrapping. In: Klatte D., Lüthi HJ., Schmedders K. (eds) Selected Papers-Operations Research Proceedings 2011. Operations Research Proceedings (GOR (Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V.)). 237-242. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
R-Package on CRAN
- lmmpar -- Gokalp Yavuz, F. & Schloerke, B. (2017). Parallel Linear Mixed Model. R package version 0.1.0. (Embarrassingly Parallel Linear Mixed Model calculations spread across local cores which repeat until convergence.)
- Project Coordinator in BAP-ODTÜ Veri Bilimi Ekosistemi / METU Data Science Ecosystem. December 2019-December 2021.
- Researcher in The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) 1001-COVID-19 Verilerinin İstatistiksel Analizi, Modellenmesi ve Olası Risk İndeksinin Geliştirilmesi. July 2020 - December 2020.
- Researcher in The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) 2219-International Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Programme. Linear Mixed Models and Data Science Investigations. July 2016-July 2017.
- Researcher in TUBİTAK-KAMAG, numbered 113K510. Mardin: A Transformed Cultural Heritage and Urban Regeneration in Urban Space. Feb 2015-Oct 2016.
- Researcher in BAP project numbered 2014-01-05-KAP01. Social, Economic and Hydrological Impact Determination, Modelling and Forecasting of Basin Water Supply and Demand in Turkey. May 2014-Cont.
Scholarships & Awards & Honors:
- 1st place in 'Best Presentation Award', at 'ICS 2017: 19th International Conference on Statistics' with the study named 'Discussion on Big Data and One of Its Early Training Application'.
- Course Honorarium at the 2018 American Statistical Association Conference on Statistical Practice, American Statistical Association, Şubat 2018.
- International Post Doctoral Research Fellowship from TUBITAK.
- 3rd place in 'Best Presentation Award', at 'International Conference on Information Complexity and Statistical Modeling in High Dimensions with Applications (IC-SMHD-2016)' with the study named 'Model Selection in Robust Linear Mixed Models'.
- M.Sc. study abroad scholarships from the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Turkey.